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on April 19, 2007 at 12:56:16 pm

Here you will find links to resources for my presentations, consulting services, and my other websites. If you have questions about anything your read here, or if you would like more information about contracting with me, please email me at deissk@gmail.com!


About me and my work

I am the ACRL Content Strategist. This means I hunt down interesting, useful, practical, and forward-looking content occurring in academic libraries and then find a vehicle for sharing that content with the ACRL members and the academic community at large. We publish books and offer podcasts on content of interest to academic librarians.

The other part of my work has to do with organizational consulting. I have worked in this field for close to 17 years. I facilitate the work of others through providing assistance in process and guidance in the development of organizational capacity.

Consulting Services

Among services I provide (both through ACRL and on my own) are:


  • Facilitation of strategic planning work
  • Facilitation of retreats and senior leadership development
  • Executive coaching
  • Consultation on change and change leadership
  • Creativity and innovation in libraries


To talk to me about my services and how I might help you and your library contact me at deissk@gmail.com






Innovation and Academic Libraries (Texas Library Association, April 13, 2007)


Creating Community within Our Organizations: Retaining Librarians (Texas Library Association, April 13, 2007)


Shaking the Plum Tree (The Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County), January 2007


A Full Day of Innovation Percolation (Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois), July 2006


Innovation Percolation (University of Arizona Library, Tucson Campus), May 2006


The Shared Leadership Principle (ARL Leading Ideas #2) Shared Ldrshp.pdf


Revisiting the Abilene Paradox (ARL Leading Ideas #8) Revisiting the Abilene Paradox.pdf


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