

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

Innovation Percolation, Bradley University Library, July 2006


Links and a bibliography for a day-long workshop at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois


"Different is not always better but better is always different."

- Rick Luce, Vice-Provost and Director of Libraries, Emory University





Clemson University Libraries News - http://culibnews.blogspot.com/

University of South Alabama Liblog - http://www.usouthal.edu/univlib/BLOG/index3.html

University of Winnipeg Information Resources - http://blog.uwinnipeg.ca/InfoResources/

Reference at Newman Library - http://referencenewman.blogspot.com/


University of Baltimore Law Library Weblog - http://ubaltlawlibrary.blogspot.com/

College of DuPage Library Weblog - http://www.codlibrary.org/blog/

The Library @ Mohawk Brain_blog - http://mohawklrc2.blogspot.com/

Western Springs History - http://www.westernspringshistory.org/

UThink - http://blog.lib.umn.edu/


Blogger - http://blogger.com/




Bloglines - http://bloglines.com/


Georgia State University Library, Behavioral Sciences News - http://www.library.gsu.edu/news/index.asp?typeID=61

University of Winnipeg Library & Information Services - http://cybrary.uwinnipeg.ca/

Georgia Tech Library Biogineering Pathfinder - http://www.library.gatech.edu/research_help/subject/?/biomedical

Illinois Clicks - http://www.illinoisclicks.org/


Moraine Valley Community College Library - http://www.morainevalley.edu/library/

University of Alberta Libraries Training Events (RSS Feed) - http://www.library.ualberta.ca/rss/instruction/index.cfm

Kenton County Public Library RSS Feeds - http://www.kentonlibrary.org/aboutus/feeds/index.cfm

University of Louisville Libraries RSS Feeds - http://www.library.louisville.edu/users/mopurc01/rss/index.asp

University of Alberta Libraries New Books RSS Feeds - http://www.library.ualberta.ca/newbooks/

Hennepin County Library Catalog (Dynamic Title RSS Feeds) - http://catalog.hclib.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?forcelogout=true&profile=elibrary&lang=eng#focus

PubMed - http://pubmed.gov/

ProQuest Curriculum Match RSS Feeds - http://proquest.com/syndication/rss/rss.shtml

EBSCOHost RSS Feeds - http://support.epnet.com/support_news/detail.php?id=204


Wake County Public School System Education Headlines - http://www.wcpss.net/communications/ednews/

University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries' RSS Feeds in Health Care - http://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/health/internet/RSS_feeds.shtml

Emily Alling's Science RSS Feeds by Topic - http://people.umass.edu/ealling/feeds.html

Drexel University Library Powerpoint Presentation about Integrating RSS Feeds - http://showme.physics.drexel.edu/bradley/DrexelCoAS017-JayAtWebCT.ppt


SuperPatron (Ed Vielmetti) - http://superpatron.com/

Ann Arbor District Library New Books Shelf (covers) - http://www.monkey.org/~emv/superpatron/aadlnewnonfiction.html

Ann Arbor District Library New Books on LiveJournal - http://www.livejournal.com/users/aadl_bookblog/


Intuitive Revelations: The Ubiquitous ReferenceMmodel - http://altref.blogspot.com/2006/03/intuitive-revelations-ubiquitous.html


Feed2JS -  | http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/feed/

Magpie - http://magpierss.sf.net/

RSSmix -  | http://www.rssmix.com/ 




Butler WikiRef - http://www.seedwiki.com/wiki/butler_wikiref/butler_wikiref.cfm

WorldCat Wiki - http://www.oclc.org/productworks/wcwiki.htm

Case Wiki - http://wiki.case.edu/Main_Page

Arizona State University's Strategic Technology Plan - http://www.sannier.net/wiki1/index.php?title=Main_Page#TECHPLAN_WIKI_CONTENTS

Ohio University Libraries Biz Wiki - http://www.library.ohiou.edu/subjects/bizwiki/index.php/Main_Page

SUNYLA New Tech Wiki - http://sunylanewtechwiki.pbwiki.com/

University of Connecticut Libraries' taff Wiki - http://wiki.lib.uconn.edu/wiki/Main_Page

University of Minnesota Staff Website - http://wiki.lib.umn.edu/Staff/HomePage

OLN Catalog Coordinators Training Manual - http://wiki.ohiolearns.org/index.php?title=Main_Page

DigiWik - http://www.digiwik.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page


PBwiki - http://pbwiki.com/




OPAC Hacks

NCSU Libraries Endeca-based Catalog - http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/searchcollection/

Queens Library Aquabrowser – http://aqua.queenslibrary.org/

Hennepin County Comments – http://www.hclib.org/blogs/CatalogNews.cfm?ID=52

AADL Card Catalog – http://www.blyberg.net/2006/01/19/creating-a-virtual-card-catalog/

LPI’s LibraryThing catalog of new titles – http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?view=LPI

Davey Pattern’s OPAC Tweaks – http://www.daveyp.com/blog/index.php/archives/85/

University of Pennsylvania Tags - social bookmarks campus-wide

- Legal Issues bookmarks on campus - includes some titles from the Library's catalog

- Look at any record in the catalog and scroll to the bottom of the page to see an "Add to Penn Tags" link


WPopac - http://maisonbisson.com/blog/post/11096/





Innovation Percolation

Selected Readings


Amabile, Theresa. “How to Kill Creativity” in Harvard Business Review, September-October, 1998.


De Brabandere, Luc. The Forgotten Half of Change: Achieving Greater Creativity through Changes in Perception. Chicago, IL: Dearborn Trade Publishing, 2005.


Drucker, Peter. “The Discipline of Innovation” in Harvard Business Review, May-June 1985, Revised November-December, 1998.


Gelb, Michael J. How to Think Like Leonardo daVinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day. New York: Delacorte Press, 1998.


Grudin, Robert. The Grace of Great Things: Creativity and Innovation. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.


James, Jennifer. Thinking in the Future Tense: A Workout for the Mind. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997.


Johansson, Frans. The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insight at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2004.


Kelley, Tom. The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO. New York: Currency, 2001.


Kelley, Tom. The Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization. New York: Currency, 2005.


Leonard, Dorothy A. and Walter C. Swap. When Sparks Fly: Igniting Creativity in Groups. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.


Light, Paul C. Sustaining Innovation: Creating Nonprofit and Government Organizations That Innovate Naturally. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1998.


Meehan, Mary (ed.). The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be: The 40 Cultural Trends Transforming Your Job, Your Life, and Your World. New York: Penguin Books, 1999.


Stefik, Mark and Barbara Stefik. Breakthrough: Stories and Strategies of Radical Innovation. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2004.


“I don’t know why people are afraid of new ideas. I’m afraid of old ones.”

- John Cage

If you have questions about anything you read here, or if you would like more information about contracting with me, please email me at deissk@gmail.com!


Jenny Levine co-presented this workshop. You can find her at The Shifted Librarian and can email her at jenny@theshiftedlibrarian.com.

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